Springtime AC Tune Up – Is Your Unit Ready to Beat the Heat?

The first day of spring has come and gone and temperatures are on the rise. Although it may be a little while before you need it, now is the perfect time to schedule your annual AC tune up. People sometimes wait until they are experiencing issues with their AC unit before scheduling service. However, an annual AC tune up can provide quite a few benefits.

Help Prevent Breakdowns

This is among the best reasons to stick to an annual AC tune up schedule. Just because it kicks on the first time you flip the switch is no guarantee that it will continue to function properly all season long. An annual AC tune up can help ensure that your unit is in the best condition possible, minimizing the chance of breakdown. Summer can be extremely busy for AC repair technicians, if you experience a breakdown, you could be sweating it out for days before they can get to you. Wouldn’t you rather schedule your tune up now rather than risk a midsummer breakdown?


Jumpstart Your AC Unit

Your AC unit has been dormant all winter. This provided an opportunity for dust and debris to accumulate in the unit. If you start your AC without getting rid of that dust and debris, it could end up interfering with the operation of the unit. This could prevent the unit from providing optimal performance or even cause it to fail. Electrical and mechanical issues can also develop during this dormant period, especially if your unit is outside. While conducting an AC tune up, a certified technician can clean your unit as well as identify and address any issues that could impact its performance.

Increase Efficiency – Reduce Energy Costs

While the dirt and debris that accumulated in your unit over the winter month may not keep it from kicking on, it can make it work harder than needed. The harder it has to work the more energy it requires. Having an AC tune up performed to clean, inspect and service your unit will help increase its efficiency. Not only will this help you stay cool all summer long but it will help lower your energy costs.

Improve Air Quality

Dirt and debris build-up can also affect your home’s air quality. When to turn on your AC, some of that dirt and debris will get caught up in the airflow and be carried throughout your home. This can subject your family to allergens and even bacteria. Poor air quality can trigger allergy flare-ups, aggravate respiratory issues, and have a negative impact on the overall comfort of your home.

Make the Most of Your Investment

A central AC unit is a fairly substantial investment and you want it to continue to perform properly for as long as possible. Scheduling an annual AC tune up will also help to make your unit last longer. By keeping it in good working order, your unit won’t have to work as hard to keep your home cool and comfortable. An annual AC tune up will reduce wear and tear and extend its lifespan.


Schedule Your AC Tune Up Today!

It‘s not uncommon for homeowners to wait until summer arrives or their unit fails to schedule AC maintenance service. This can often cause a spike in service calls during the height of the season. Increased service calls mean a longer wait time for a technician to come and get your AC unit working again. Waiting even a day with high temperatures can leave you hot and miserable.  

An AC tune up can’t be properly performed until the temperature consistently remains above 60 degrees. However, scheduling your service appointment with Jersey Coast Appliance now will ensure that your unit is tuned up and working properly before you need it.

Scheduling professional AC tune up can help you beat the heat this summer. Jersey Coast Appliance has expertly trained and certified technicians to perform AC service and repairs. We offer a variety of service options to fit your needs including 24/7 emergency service and Night Owl service. We also understand that your time is valuable and offer a two-hour window of arrival. Schedule your AC tune up today!


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