A trash compactor is a small appliance that requires dedicated upkeep and maintenance. At Jersey Coast Appliance we handle problems as big as a broken washing machine, to as small as a jammed trash compactor. No service is too big or too small to call us for help.
We are available 24 hours for emergency services and offer two-hour window arrival times to all of our customers for scheduling ease.
Not all people are familiar with what is safe to put into a trash compactor. Because of this, problems can arise from foreign materials damaging compactor parts. For example if any glass is shoved into a compactor, it could potentially get stuck, causing parts to malfunction and wear out.
The professionals at Jersey Coast Appliance are trained to know when there is an issue with your trash compactor, and when it may be a simple electrical problem. So as a homeowner, don’t assume an entire compactor replacement is necessary! We will do all we can to keep our services affordable and timely.
When servicing your compactor, our professionals will also be able to give friendly advice on how best to maintain the compactor in the future. Perhaps your appliance has been expected to compact too much trash. Or maybe we will ask you to keep an eye on the presence of a lubricant, so that the machine continues to run smoothly.
Compacting trash is an environmentally friendly task to keep trash to a minimum. And at Jersey Coast Appliance we very much encourage all appliances to be energy efficient. Contact us today for any malfunctions or replacements necessary for your trash compactor.