Summer Energy Saving Tips – Time to Upgrade Your Home Appliances

In the heat of summer, your home appliances are hard at work. Extra guests create dirty dishes, there’s more laundry to be done and the air conditioner is constantly running. All of this uses a great deal and can leave you with a hefty bill. In order to save money this summer, you need to increase the energy efficiency of your home. The best way to save energy is to upgrade old, outdated home appliances. There are many positives to upgrading your appliances, but the ultimate benefit is saving energy.


New Appliances

With new, energy efficient appliances, you can expect higher performance with lower energy usage. New washers can give a more thorough cleaning to your laundry while using less power. You can also do larger loads of laundry in less time.

Have you ever been in a house that is sweltering but the thermostat says the temperature is fine? This kind of thing happens often with old and outdated cooling systems. Even worse is you are likely paying a lot of money to maintain that uncomfortable temperature. By upgrading your air conditioning, you can maintain the right temperature with the least amount of cooling cycles and energy spent. According to the Alliance to Save Energy, using Energy Star-certified appliances means you’ll save up to 30% on your energy bill every year. Upgrading these home appliances can free up cash for more summer activities.

Other Benefits of Upgrading

While we all love spending less money on energy bills, there are plenty of other reasons to upgrade your home appliances this summer. A new, energy efficient refrigerator can better preserve your food, requiring fewer trips back and forth from the grocery store. Also, new home appliances won’t break down as often, so you won’t have to make constant repairs. With less time wasted on chores, you and your family can get more out of your summer.

During the summer, the natural beauty of the outdoors should make it more obvious than ever that the environment needs to be protected.  With the energy you save by upgrading your home appliances, you are creating a smaller environmental footprint, helping to preserve a beautiful summer for generations to come.

Boosting the resale value of your home is another benefit of upgrading your home appliances. New appliances are an investment that can pay for itself if you ever want to sell your home. It is much easier to sell a home for a fair price when the potential buyers see sleek and functional home appliances.

More Energy-Saving Tips

In addition to replacing worn out appliances, there are some great tips for you to start saving money and energy today.

  • Install a programmable thermostat.
  • Close doors leading to uncooled parts of your home.
  • Use fans for additional cooling and better circulation.
  • Seal holes and cracks around doors and windows.
  • Close blinds, shades, and draperies facing the sun.
  • Turn off TVs, computers and other electronic devices when not in use.

For more helpful energy tips visit


Energy Efficient Home Appliances

If you are looking to save energy this summer, make sure to get your appliances from a reputable retailer. Jersey Coast Appliance offers high-efficiency products to make your home comfortable and functional all year long. With over 35 years of experience, we offer a unique perspective in assessing new high-efficiency systems. We not only sell appliances, but our expert repair services can bring your home appliances back to life. To increase the efficiency of your home with great products, contact us today.

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